Saturday, 26 August 2017

Plages de Thaïlande 🌴 RAILAY OUEST 🌴 voyage à Krabi

Cette évaluation analyse la plage de Thaïlande de Railay à Krabi selon 6 critères, soit l'accessibilité, les infrastructures, la fréquentation, la baignade, la propreté et les activités. Cette plage borde la Mer d'Andaman au Sud de la Thaïlande. Située à moins d'une heure de l'aéroport international de Krabi, découvrez l'une des plus belles plages thaïlandaises. Organisez votre voyage en Thaïlande grâce à cette vidéo. Plages de Thaïlande

Travel pics

Friday, 25 August 2017



The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government. Which will replace sovereign nation states and an all encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history's progress.
In short, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian world government.The purpose of this video is to open the viewers mind to the idea of the possible, or probable changes coming to the world and society as a whole. Glimpses of historic events, war and current events are used to shape this view, but not to force, fabricate or mislead.

3 Best Strategies to Trade on Expert Option Profitably

3 Best Strategies to Trade on Expert Option Profitably - Binary Options - $100 every 1 minute

Expert Option is a relative newcomer to the binary options trading scene, having been established in 2015. With a base in St Vincent and The Grenadines, Expert Option is especially popular with the Russian market and currently only offers their website in Russian, English, German, Portugal, Spanish,Italian, Chinese, Hindi languages. Expert Option is regulated by the independent FMRCC which is good news should any traders require a dispute to be resolve or need compensation. Expert Option have harnessed the expertise of many years of experience in the binary options trading industry to create their own trading platform to meet the needs of a range of traders.
3 Best Strategies to Trade on Expert Option Profitably


Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Binary Options - 3 Best Trading Techniques

Binary Options - 3 Best Trading Techniques - IQ option

Trading binary options with iqoption presents a user friendly binary options trading interface for traders to navigate and place trades thanks to the very nature of binary options. After careful binary options analysis, traders first are offered to predict the binary options price movement of a certain asset. IQ Option is brokerage company present on the financial market since 2013. This binary options broker is owned by IQ Option Europe Ltd, located in Limassol, Cyprus. To binary options traders worldwide, they offer their own proprietary platform with a wide range of services and over 500 trading instruments. It is important to note that IQ Option is a regulated binary broker under CySEC. The platform has an user-friendly IQ Option interface.
Binary Options

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Proform Cardio

Proform Cardio HIIT Trainer vs HIIT Trainer Pro Comparison - Which is Best For You?

Proform Cardio HIIT Trainer vs HIIT Trainer Pro - Which is Best? The Cardio HIIT Trainer and HIIT Trainer pro are both vertical elliptical trainers that can help you do high intensity interval training easily and burn more calories than a regular elliptical. But there's about a $500 difference between them. What's the difference? This video will go over the 6 main differences between the Proform HIIT Trainer and the HIIT Trainer Pro including differences in console, resistance and more.
Proform Cardio HIIT Trainer vs HIIT Trainer Pro Comparison


Thursday, 17 August 2017

Franchise SEO

Franchise SEO: The Biggest Mistake Franchises Make in Regards to Search Engine Optimization

Tom Johnston speacializes in franchise SEO and search engine optimization for national companies that have nationwide locations.
Franchise SEO

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

What To Know About Nutrisystem Before You Try It!

Heard about the Nutrisystem diet plan lately?. It's one of the most easy-to-follow do it yourself weight loss programs currently on the market, offering you lots of delicious meals and lots of success stories.
Are you wondering how it works exactly? And is it the ideal choice for you? This article will give you a review of what you need to know. Want to learn more? Visit for more tips, reviews and comparisons! What exactly is Nutrisystem anyway? Nutrisystem is a popular diet weight loss meal service that delivers nation-wide. You get 28 days of weight loss meals at a time. Nutrisystem offers both frozen and ready-to-go meals, depending on the plan.. There are over 100 food options with the regular plan and over 150 meals on the high end program. There's also phone support and counselling with an app tool to help you lose weight. In addition to the weight loss Nutrisystem meals you also add in your own light snacks like fruit or a salad each day. In total you'll be eating about 6 times a day every 2 - 3 hours. This aids in fighting off hunger pangs and helps you stick to the diet. More about the Diet In general this program is a calorie-controlled, low glycemic diet. There's even a specialized quick-start option that will help you lose up to 5 pounds very quickly. After this you can expect to shed about 1-3 pounds per week depending on your activity level and gender. Nutrisystem gives you 3 different programs to choose from: Basic, Core and Uniquely Yours. The Basic program is the most affordable running around ten dollars a day, which is not much at all considering that covers most of your meals. The next option runs about $11 a day. The difference is that with the Core plan, you can choose your own meals. With the Basic plan, you can't choose your own menu. You'll get food from Nutrisystem's favorites list. The final plan is the Premium plan. Here you select your breakfast, lunch and dinners, like the Core plan. However you also have more and better options when it comes to the meals. These meals and snacks are also more gourmet and better rated as far as taste goes. Some of the meals on the Premium plan require refrigeration, unlike the meals from the other two plans. But overall, the food quality is better on this plan. Menu choies here is more gourmet - you have options like Broccoli and Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast, Salisbury Steak with Mac and Cheese, Chicken Mozzarella Melt, and Tiramisu, for dessert. What About Exercise? While there is a part of the plan that encourages you to do some sort of fitness movement for 30 minutes each day, the plan will still work if you don't. Working out will of course help to speed your weight loss. You will get tons of ideas for how to engage in workouts simply and easily - no long gym sessions required. You can even break it up into 10 minute sessions three times a day. Is Nutrisystem Worth Your Time? It's definitely quite simple to follow and not as complicated as other diets out there. You have no meetings, no calorie counting and very little food prep on your part. You get tons of tips included along the weight loss journey. In years past some people have complained that the food tastes bland. Nutrisystem has addressed this by adding meal ratings to their site where you can go and find out which meals rate best overall from other people on the program - which is a fantastic solution. Also, the meals may be not as grand as most of us are used to. So it might take a couple of days to adjust. But most dieters say that after a couple of days, it's no big deal and they're just fine. Plus you're going to love the numbers on the scale after the first few days! And you can't fault their results - over 30 years and thousands of weight loss success stories. So if you're looking for an affordable, easy diet you can do at home, you may want to consider the Nutrisystem diet. Want to get more information? See my website for more tips, reviews and comparisons!


Sunday, 13 August 2017

blog – consultant Patrimonial Independant : La Formation


Groupe Vaillance Conseil est un cabinet de gestion de patrimoine traitant une clientèle fortunée. Créé en 2008, le cabinet se situe dans le quartier des Champs Elysées. Monsieur Saad, PDG de Groupe Vaillance Conseil est courtier classe premium en 2014 auprès de Générali, il travaille aussi avec Swisslife et la Société Générale. C'est donc l'un des premiers collecteurs de fonds retraite en France. Le cabinet est spécialisé dans la diffusion de solutions pour la retraite ainsi que la prévoyance. Les conseillers en patrimoine financier chez Groupe Vaillance interviennent sur des questions de retraite, de placement, de prévoyance et de défiscalisation.
Le statut d'indépendant du cabinet assure à  la clientèle de Groupe Vaillance Conseil un conseil objectif et pertinent ainsi qu'un suivi constant tout au long de la durée du contrat.
Comme l'indique Groupe Vaillance Conseil, l'assurance vie est le premier produit financier de la population française et c'est un des principaux vecteur d'épargne. En effet, il permet de se constituer une retraite en bénéficiant de nombreux avantages fiscaux.  Le cabinet collabore également avec des gestionnaires de renom qui permettent d'avoir une rentabilité non négligable.
La clientèle du cabinet Groupe Vaillance se compose de professions libérales, de travailleurs indépendants, de dirigeants d'entreprise, d'artisans, de commerçants et d'employés. Le cabinet offre la possibilité à divers profils de faire partie de son équipe de consultants, en leur permettant de participer gratuitement à une formation formant au métier de conseiller en gestion de patrimoine indépendant. Les rémunérations peuvent de ce fait être très importantes. Par ailleurs, les plus motivés peuvent se voir attribuer une équipe de juniors.
MARC SAAD directeur du cabinet Groupe Vaillance Conseil nous en dit plus :
«Aujourd'hui, salariés et TNS ne comptent plus sur leur pension afin d'assurer leur retraite. Il est aujourd'hui préférable de compléter sa retraite par une épargne capitalisée. Pour les TNS,  l'adhésion à un contrat Madelin est la plus favorable pour préparer sa retraite. Cette prise de conscience s'est fait ressentir car plus d'un travailleur non salariés sur deux bénéficie d'une « couverture Madelin », mais 100% de ces travailleurs ne sont pas assez protégés par rapport à leur besoin. Il est préférable que ces TNS augmentent d'un tiers ou de deux tiers leurs cotisations pour être bien protégés ou alors qu'ils commencent à cotiser le plus tôt possible ».
Pour encadrer les clients dans la constitution de leur retraite et autres problématiques, les CGPI ont les compétences requises.  Par le biais d'une étude financière détaillée et avec leurs connaissances du marché ils savent conseiller leurs clientèles sur des problématiques diverses tel que la retraite, la fiscalité, l'investissement locatif ou encore les produits bancaires. A la différence d' un traditionnel banquier, le conseiller en gestion de patrimoine ne travaille pas pour une seule compagnie, bien au contraire il étudie le marché, les différents contrats existants et informent de la meilleure façon possible ses clients.
Afin de répondre au besoin d'un client, le gestionnaire de patrimoine est inscrit à l'ORIAS et participe à une formation diplômante et qualifiante. Cet enseignement pratique et théorique va permettre au gestionnaire de patrimoine d'étendre ses connaissances, et de les approfondir. La pratique va lui permettre d'évoluer sur le terrain, mais aussi d'apprendre à s'interesser à la vie du client afin de répondre au mieux à ses besoins. Le métier de conseiller en gestion de patrimoine indépendant  passe donc par ces deux phases d'apprentissage qui sont aujourd'hui nécessaires.
L'inscription à l'ORIAS donne une chance au plus téméraires d'évoluer vers le plus gratifiant des statuts et de pouvoir monter sa propre affaire. Par ailleurs, l'ORIAS est présent afin de gérer les gestionnaires en leur faisant bénéficier de droits et d'obligations afin que le client soit toujours au centre des attentions.
Comme le souligne Marc Saad « Etre indépendant est une culture, un état d'esprit, je dirais une force, un avantage ».


La prise de conscience des actifs concernant leur pension de retraite se fait grandement ressentir, « le club de l'épargne salariale » déclare que 3/4 des français questionnés disent que le montant de leur retraite ne suffira pas à leur permettre une rente confortable à la retraite. La différence aujourd'hui c'est que les actifs se préoccupent de la retraite de plus en plus tôt, les plus de 25 ans ont déjà commencé à mettre de côté pour leur retraite. Les français ne croient plus en l'efficacité des dispositifs de base. En effet, 56% des plus jeunes comptent plus sur l'argent épargné que sur les pensions pour préparer sa retraite, contre 29% des quinquagénaires.


Saturday, 12 August 2017

Howw to Look for a good Chinese translate to English

Language - whatever you may believe about the idea that "the world speaks English". It isn't true in China; China has the lowest functional English literacy rate of any nation on earth. There are two major languages used in the country - Mandarin and Cantonese. Mandarin is the most widely spoken, but Cantonese may be vital in the south of the country, particularly if your provider is located in Guangzhou (and to a much lesser extent Shenzhen). You cannot rely on the supplier's sales force (who are the only people likely to speak English in any given company) to act as an interpreter for you. If you can't speak the language you need to use a translation service to make sure you understand exactly what the situation is. 
- Culture - Chinese culture is widely different to traditional Western business culture.
The first problem you are likely to encounter is the concept of "saving face" which means that your factory may well be economic with the truth (not necessarily because they are being fraudulent) to save themselves public embarrassment and more likely to say "yes" to your demands when they mean "no". you will need a Chinese translate to English.

- Timing - when you visit a supplier as a prospective customer they are likely to be on their "best behaviour" (which sometimes doesn't mean very much) and all potential sources of embarrassment are likely to have been cleared away before you arrive (the ugly truth is that this could mean they lock all the child labourers away for the day for example) preventing you from making an accurate assessment as to their suitability. 
- Understanding - it can be hard to validate even the basics in China, for example how will you know if that piece of paper purporting to be a business licence or for export permission is valid and genuine? The country is famous for copying anything that can be copied or faked and that includes paperwork. 
- Information shortage - there is simply no real data held publicly in easy to access format that can help inform your decision, no customer review databases, no consumer protection society (or indeed much in the way of consumer protection regulation either) or reliable trade bodies to assist in informing your choice.
These barriers are not insurmountable and with care and planning it is perfectly possible to conduct your own inspection of your chosen factory. However the simple truth is that this is often an expensive and time consuming option, in today's commercial climate delaying your outsourcing decisions can cost you market share and revenue. 

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Ez Battery Reconditioning Review

Ez Battery Reconditioning Review - Ez Battery Scam or Legit? Part 2

Ez Battery Scam or Legit


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How to make money on youtube 2017

How to make money on youtube 2017


Wednesday, 2 August 2017

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ez battery reconditioning Jen Simmons Review Part 1

ez battery reconditioning Jen Simmons Review

Binary Options Success

Binary Options Success Using Best Indicators - IQ option

Binary Options Success
One of he most most important binary options indicators on iq option is fibonacci. I use it every day for many reasons but mainly to identify bounces and retracements on iq option. You can find it in your metatrader platform in your drawing tools. Levels to add are 38.2, 78.6 and 127. All the others important binary options levels already exist in the default settings on iq option. For overbought and oversold binary options conditions I have two binary options indicators to recommend you. An overbought condition is a condition in which the asset in iq option is much higher from the normal binary options levels and maybe we will have a fall binary options. Oversold iq option is the opposite binary options condition. An asset it's much lower than the normal levels and maybe we will have a possible rise of the binary options market.To identify these two iq option conditions you can use a RSI indicator from your metatrader platform or a value chart binary options indicator.
